What Does a Home Inspector Do?

Home Inspector Colorado Springs CO are professionals who conduct a thorough, visual inspection of the structural integrity and systems of a home. Typically, this happens before the final sales contract is signed.Home Inspector

Find a certified home inspector by asking for recommendations or searching online for professional organizations. Many of these organizations require members to pass an exam and honor a code of ethics.

Home inspectors must have a deep understanding of how buildings are constructed. They must also be able to identify and explain any problems that they find. This can be a challenging task, and many home inspectors find it rewarding to help people make important decisions about buying or selling homes.

Home inspectors often have to communicate their findings to clients and real estate agents in a clear and concise manner. This requires excellent communication skills, and it is important to be able to explain technical information in a way that is easy for others to understand.

One of the most common problems that home inspectors encounter is structural damage to a property. These can include issues with the roof, foundation, electrical wiring, and plumbing. In addition, home inspectors must be able to identify and recognize potential mold and insect infestations.

A good home inspector can help a homeowner find ways to improve their home’s energy efficiency and environmental footprint. They can also provide information about green building practices that can help homeowners save money on their utility bills and reduce carbon emissions.

While some states require home inspectors to be licensed, not all do. However, it is a good idea to check with your state’s licensing agency to see what requirements there are. It is also a good idea to take courses that will help you become a more effective and confident home inspector.


Home inspectors often work on the electrical systems of homes. They will check the wiring, circuit breakers, and outlets to ensure they follow code requirements. They will also look for GFCIs (ground fault circuit interrupters) in outlets that are located near sources of water, such as sinks and kitchen small appliances. Additionally, the inspector will check that circuits have AFCI protection where it is required by code.

When looking at a home’s electrical system, the inspector will begin by checking the main power box or service panel. They will make sure there is enough clearance in front of the panel (3 feet deep and 30 inches wide) as well as 6 feet of headroom on top of the panel. Additionally, they will make sure the breaker size is appropriate for the wire amperage.

The inspector will then move on to the outlets and switches to look for any issues. They will make sure the outlets are properly grounded and that there are no exposed wires or open-sliced wires. They will also check for GFCI outlets where required by code and the number of dedicated circuits for each space.

While most electrical problems can be discovered during a home inspection, there is always the possibility that something will be missed. Because much of the electrical system is hidden behind walls and ceilings, it can be hard for a home inspector to spot every little thing that could go wrong. This is why it’s important to hire a professional who is licensed and insured. This will protect both you and the homebuyer in case any work is done on the house that was not performed correctly.


Working as a home inspector can be a lucrative career with many benefits. You can set your own hours, work independently, and help people protect their investments. However, the job is also physically demanding, and you are always on the go. It is important to be prepared for these challenges before you start.

A plumbing inspection is a critical part of a home inspection. It evaluates the indoor and outdoor pipes, including supply lines and sewage lines. The home inspector also checks the water pressure and temperature and looks for leaks. It is common for home inspectors to inspect sump pumps, check the condition of hot water heaters, and check for any safety or shut-off valves.

When conducting a plumbing inspection, a home inspector may use high-definition cameras to get a better view of pipes and drains. These tools are especially useful when there is an issue with blockages or increasing sediment buildup. It is difficult to spot these issues with just a visual inspection. Home inspectors may also use a moisture meter to check for mold or other damage.

During a plumbing inspection, it is a good idea for the homebuyer to accompany the home inspector. This will give them a chance to ask questions about the home’s systems and how they operate. In addition, it will allow the homebuyer to learn about important information that the seller might not have disclosed. For example, the homebuyer might be able to learn about the location of electrical panels and switches, the condition of the air-conditioning and ventilation system, or the location of emergency shut-off water valves (which many homeowners forget to show their inspectors).

The startup costs for becoming a home inspector are low, especially when compared to other career fields. An investment of a few thousand dollars can provide you with the training you need to pass the home inspection exam and start your own business.


Home inspectors work with heating, ventilation, and air conditioning systems, as well as other electrical and plumbing fixtures. They collect data to create a comprehensive report for their clients. This information includes visual observations, health and safety concerns, a description of the systems, and pictures of the interior of the home and roof.

Home inspectors may also test for radon, mold, and lead paint. However, they are limited in what they can do because of state regulations. For example, they cannot peel up carpet or drill holes into walls without the permission of a homeowner. They also do not perform more invasive investigations, such as digging up a drainpipe or entering a crawl space.

Because of the sensitivity of their job, home inspectors must take a variety of safety precautions. They need to be comfortable climbing into tight attic spaces, walking on rooftops, and maneuvering around people’s furniture and pets. They must be familiar with the use of common tools, including moisture meters and thermal imaging cameras.

Energy efficiency is becoming an important consideration for homeowners. As a result, some home inspectors specialize in these inspections. Others choose to become certified in green building practices, which helps them offer their customers cost-effective solutions for reducing energy consumption.

Working as a home inspector is challenging and rewarding at the same time. It is a physically demanding role that requires frequent travel, but it offers flexible hours and the opportunity to help people make sound investment decisions. If you are interested in pursuing this career, look for home inspector training courses in your area. Some colleges and community centers offer classes to prepare you for the role. You should also consider getting errors and omissions insurance, which helps protect you against claims of damage to property or missing items.


Home inspectors check the condition of a house’s roof and examine eaves, fascia, and gutters. They also look for sagging or loose shingles, damaged or missing venting, and chimneys and skylights. The inspector’s report will include a summary of the structure’s condition as well as recommendations for maintenance and repairs.

Home inspections are typically paid for by the buyers and conducted before they sign a contract to buy the house. The inspections can uncover problems that the buyers want to negotiate with the sellers about, such as a faulty foundation or a roof that’s about to collapse. The buyer can then decide to walk away from the deal or ask the seller to fix the problems.

A home inspector can discover problems that a mortgage lender might require an appraiser to evaluate, especially if the house is being purchased with a government-insured loan. The home inspector’s report can also reveal damage that affects the house’s value and quality, such as a termite infestation or a leaky basement.